Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Quality Mission

A mission statement ex­plains why a company, organization, or activity exists, and what it is designed to accomplish. It clearly and concisely describes the work that is done, providing direction and a sense of purpose. The mission should focus on products and services and be customer-oriented. During implementation, the mission is constrained by the vision and values.

Examples of mission statements include:
· From Arco Transportation Company Information Services: “The mission of information services is to provide the appropriate computing network, products, and services and support of the strategies, goals, and objectives of the company.”

· From the Ford Motor Company (listed in their Ford Q-101 Quality Systems Standard, January 1986): “Ford Motor Company is a worldwide leader in automotive and automotive-related products and services as well as in newer industries such as aerospace, communications, and financial services.

Our mission is to improve continually our products and services to meet our customers’ needs, allowing us to prosper as a business and to provide a reasonable return for our stockholders, the owners of our business.”

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