Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Testers’ Workbench

The testers’ workbench is the process used to verify and validate the system structurally and functionally. To understand the testing methodology, it is necessary to understand the workbench concept. Process workbenches are discussed in Knowledge Domain 7.

A testers’ workbench is one part of the software development life cycle, which is comprised of many workbenches. Two examples of the workbench concept are given below.
The programmers’ workbench for one of the steps to build a system is:
- Input (program specifications) is given to the producer (programmer)
- Work (e.g., coding and debugging) is performed; a procedure is followed; and a product or interim deliverable (e.g., a program, module, or unit) is produced.

- Work is checked to ensure the product meets the specifications and standards, and that the procedure was followed. If the check finds no problems, the product is released to the next workbench. If the check finds a problem, the product is sent back for rework.

A project team uses the workbench to guide them through a unit test of computer code. The programmer takes the following steps:
- Give input products (e.g., program code) to the tester.
- Perform work (e.g., execute unit tests), follow a procedure, and produce a product or interim deliverable (e.g., the test results).

- Check work to ensure test results meet test specifications and standards and that the test procedure was followed. If the check finds no problems, release the product (i.e., test results) to the next workbench. If the check process finds a problem, the product is sent back for rework.

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